28 Jun 2013

Early morning.

All though the night, I could hear ..baaaahing ..baaaaahing.  It was most decidedly a little baby lamb trapped or something and left behind as i shooed them back over the fence with jeffrey and issa.

Yesterday, I caught the next door shepherd letting his farmers sheep over my fence and into my fields.
I know the man , his family live down the road.. and he is helping out, i couldnt bring myself to be angry with him as he is a little slow as to say and always smiling.   I was however so very annoyed.
I said my bit to him, in the nicest way, and  he appologised  and I asked him not to do it again...

   It kept me awake most of the night.  And the dogs wanted to go out and see what was happening.
When I woke early this morning.  I now wake around 6.30 as its really one of the best times of the day.
The heat here now is up into the high 30º's.. 36. 38. 39.. and climbing.
You cannot believe what woke me from my sleep again.. All the sheep were drinking at my horse trough.. and enjoying the delights of my fields again.   I have electric fences.. but not where they get over.  The shepherd has totally destroyed my fence letting the sheep jump over.. he has pushed it down with his foot.
..  I think I might have written about this happening a couple of years ago.
So its of to Mr. B the farmer later today.. to ask him please to fix my fence and not allow the sheep in.
Only in the country..! could this happen.  But it makes to part of the day and adds a little excitement.
                                 Pascoa and Shilah-- waiting for me to fill up the trough again..
                                   under the shade ofthe olive tree.  They are always together.
                                If you look carefully. I took this a couple of mornings ago.. I have a white decorative cage.. its ready for some new decoration on my verandah.. every morning at around the same time this bird comes to perch on top of the cage.  I am going to leave the door open and put some bird seed in there.. see what happens.. I tried to lift the blind..but he then flew away.
sitting down with a glass of cold water after my morning fiasco.. Jeffrey -Cassidy is looking at me from his favorite place as if I am mad.. what have you been doing mummy. 

wishing you all a happy Friday.     http://valrosa59.blogspot.   Thank you to my friends that have already joined me again.. I hope to see some more of my dear friends.. A very big thank you to 'Perpetua', who has helped me get this far. val ..